The Falls
1 Jim Timmons had come from Vermont to Deer Falls, the little resort town on the edge of the Adirondacks, not for the scenery or skiing—...
The Man Who Must Be Named
There is a name for the man with a hundred hands who lies under your bed, the one with fifty mucked-up faces for the fifty bad-luck...
Disaster Relief (Flint, Michigan 2015)
Pharaoh’s magicians, you apprehend too late that technical slights and sleights-of-hand resolve nothing; the techne you seek, the immense...
It’s in a group rehab session when he first speaks about it. Your mama did what? one of the guys asks. She took a knife to her hand,...

Disco Orario
On the road to Chiavenna, Alison, who’d been watching the Alps from the back seat through a small child’s handprint on the window, had to

A Shining Knight
Devon Min was one of the New Troy Nobles’ more popular superheroes.

Not for Nothing
The judge sent me upstate for sixteen months for something that wasn’t really my fault.

My Husband Helps His Relatives
while I stay in my room
at the Super 8 under the weather

from Daughter Baraka to mother Eve
I am writing to you now without putting my right hand on my chest, quivering from cold and grief. I don’t cry any more, Mom, just hide...

To the anatomists, for the doctors to dissect?

Booth #23 at the Wellfleet Flea Market
There’s the flannel shirted man selling
ivory next to the hotdog stand.

Midnight Till Eight
CO Serena could not bend iron with her eyes, but even before her shift, when she switched to “God’s Word” AM radio

In the Building
In the Sprungs, I had grown completely comfortable with my job.

Brown leaf in a brown cup.
Hickory or elm. It’s been
so long I’m unsure.

To the anatomists, for the doctors to dissect? To the Royal Academy, for the artists to draw? They all need a corpse. And he is surely...

There Are No Bars in Rush City
At Rush City Correctional Facility you find your rush where you can.

Clean! The Independent Janitor
Think positive says
the janitor
as it begins as a thread

Note to Davy, Addressee of a Postcard I Find in a Consignment Store
Dear David Evans III, of Newton, Mass.,
Your Nanna sent you alligators in full color

Goes first though once airborne
your reflection changes shape

The Philosopher Savant in Safeway
I learned when I was an infant,
the lilac swayed just once.
The Yellow Mixing Bowl
he stands at the stove in the center of the kitchen in the center of a valley on the left-hand side of the Mississippi yellow mixing in...